

Based in Mumbai, Sabiha Dohadwala (b.1995) approaches textile as a site of integrating and disintegrating memories, images, and histories. Her works address the human tendency to forget over time and advocate a renewed way of understanding memory. Dohadwala captures cultural histories and lived experiences through the act of weaving. The tactile materiality of textile is ingrained with acts of remembering in the face of erasure.

Dohadwala has a Bachelor of Fine Art in fiber and material studies from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (2018). She recently had an online solo viewing room, Percolate, on and a solo exhibition, (Un)bound, at Interim_ (2022). She has participated in numerous exhibitions including: Juxtapose, India Art Fair Parallel, New Delhi (2023), MASH Young Artist’s Exhibition- Fleeting Identities, India International Center, New Delhi (2022) and Sutr Santati at National Museum, New Delhi (2022) and Melbourne Museum, Australia (2023).